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Arts & CultureBooks
John B. Breslin
Postapocalyptic novels were once popular back in the last millennium when we all worried about the Bomb and what it might do to us.
Arts & CultureBooks
Two societiesIsraeli and Palestiniancoexist in one land Revered as holy land by Jews Christians and Muslims this special space has for decades been cursed by outrageous violence The present moment is a terrible one for both societies For this very reason conversation between the contending par
Arts & CultureBooks
Peter Heinegg
The poet-novelist-playwright Thomas Bernhard 1931-89 had much to be miserable about He was born out of wedlock to an Austrian carpenter who never acknowledged him and committed suicide in 1940 and a maidservant who promptly passed him on to her father a minor writer named Johannes Freumbichle
Arts & CultureBooks
Donald P. Kommers
The British statesman William E Gladstone reading the U S Constitution 100 years after it entered into force remarked The American Constitution is the most wonderful work ever struck off at a given time by the brain and purpose of man Generations of Americans have since regarded their Consti
Arts & CultureBooks
Robert K. Vischer
Notwithstanding the widely publicized campus ruckuses that have sprung up annually over performance of The Vagina Monologues Catholic universities are not the only institutions of higher education struggling over questions of Christian identity It is true that such universities as Harvard Yale an
Arts & CultureBooks
T. Patrick Hill
In The Language of God Francis Collins has written more of an apologia for his personal religious beliefs than an argument for religious belief itself Were Collins not one of the leading scientists in the world having directed the International Human Genome Project which successfully completed m