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Arts & CultureBooks
Ron Hansen
Seven years ago in 'Acts A Writer: Reflections on the Church, Writing and His Own Life,' novelist Larry Woiwode interleaved his idiosyncratic meditations on Luke's narrative of the first Apostles with his own story of giving up an English professor's job in upstate New York.
James Martin, S.J.
Not long ago a friend asked if I could recommend a good book on Ignatian spirituality He was an intelligent college-educated young man interested not simply in deepening his prayer but more specifically learning about what could be called the specifics of the way of Saint Ignatiusfor example t
Arts & CultureBooks
John A. Coleman
Mike Davis is a lively and gifted writer of the left with the flair—even if often polemical—of a born journalist.
James Martin, S.J.
Not long ago a friend asked if I could recommend a good book on Ignatian spirituality He was an intelligent college-educated young man interested not simply in deepening his prayer but more specifically learning about what could be called the specifics of the way of Saint Ignatiusfor example t
Dianne Bergant
Daniel Berrigan well-known poet and activist has picked up yet another one of the biblical books and has turned his socially sensitive creative eye onto its message As he did in his volumes on the books of Daniel and Jeremiah he creatively engages the text instead of analyzing it and he allows
Robert Coles
For many years Jonathan Kozol has attended to school children in impoverished neighborhoods The author of several award-winning books including Death at an Early Age and Amazing Grace he has taught those boys and girls observed them carefullyand in some instances has come to know them well outsi