Father Kevin Spinale, S.J. offers his thoughts on the two latest selections of the Catholic Book Club: ‘Miracles on the Hardwood’ and ‘I Came as a Shadow’.
The author of “The Moviegoer” and other distinguished novels was also an occasional book reviewer and commentator for America, and his prose in our pages shone as well.
The news that Maus, a graphic novel about the Holocaust, had been removed from school curricula was a reminder of one of our nation’s favorite pastimes: book bans.
Jim Forest, who died on Jan. 13, was a lifelong peace activist and the author of numerous books, including biographies of Dorothy Day, Thomas Merton and Daniel Berrigan, S.J.
The beatification of Rutilio Grande, S.J., this weekend in San Salvador reminds us of the power of Christian witness and courage in the face of oppression.