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Margaret Silf
One of the happier aspects of the fall season in the northern hemisphere is the sudden urge we get to plant bulbs. Having just moved into a new home, with a tiny garden that is bravely trying to survive on a layer of builders’ rubble, I have to admit that this urge was accompanied by considera
John F. Kavanaugh
What kind of moral stance, what course of action can you take, when you seem to face a dreaded in-evitability? I have encountered this quandary with respect to individuals heading off an ethical cliff. I see it in the absolute refusal to acknowledge that Americans might have to cut back on consumpti
Maryann Cusimano Love
They should call it trip or treat, our 4-year-old quips, struggling with the tail of her hand-me-down mermaid costume, while her baby brother trips over his duck costume. More safety pins to the rescue, is my standard trip or treat fix-it. My husband prefers duct tape. I wish all solutions were as
Terry Golway
Can U.S. automakers recover?
Margaret Silf
If you ever find yourself in Johannesburg, South Africa, be sure to make your way to a little koppie, or small hillock, in the heart of the University of Witswatersrand campus. The city is built on hills, but this hill is special. It is home to the Origins Centre, where you can explore the fascinati
John F. Kavanaugh
My days with Mother Teresa