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The Editors
Having the witness of survivors on the Vatican abuse commission is essential.
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The Editors
The problems with for-profit prisons are well documented.
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The Editors
No one’s failures are absolved or explained away; they remain sins rather than being reduced to pathologies.
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The Editors
Mexicans consume almost 500 cans of sugar-loaded soda per person every year.
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The Editors
If the United Nations is not able to police its own ranks, how can it be trusted to restore a culture of lawfulness in the Central African Republic?
Edward Glynn, S.J., center, in Sea Bright, N.J., with his fellow Jesuits.
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The Editors
When men join the Jesuits they are reminded that few Jesuits become famous—John Courtney Murray, Pope Francis—but many will engage in unsung work in which they touch countless lives. Edward Glynn, S.J., born one of nine children in Clarks Summit, Pa., joined the Society of Jesus in 1955