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Politics & SocietyFaith
Adelle Banks - Religion News Service
“Are we done building a culture of life? Is abortion unthinkable? No.” Jeanne Mancini, president of March for Life, said. “So we continue marching at the states, at the national level.”
Politics & SocietyFaith
Pope Francis
Pope Francis said businesses must “be increasingly guided not simply by the pursuit of fair profit, but also by high ethical standards, especially with regard to the less developed countries.”
Lisa Powell
St. Angela of Foligno was a medieval Franciscan mystic whose devotion to the side wound of Christ shows that we worship God not only with our minds but with our bodies.
A woman gardens
Our readers
We asked readers to share stories of surprising moments of faith in no more than 100 words. In these (very) short essays, they explain how they experienced God through these situations.
Politics & SocietyFaith
Carol Glatz - Catholic News Service
The Catholic Church has long denounced Freemasonry; in particular, Pope Leo XIII, in the late 19th century, insisted “Christianity and Freemasonry are essentially irreconcilable.
Justin McLellan – Catholic News Service
In a video message, Pope Francis told young people going to World Youth Day in August should consult their grandparents on how to prepare.