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Politics & SocietyFaith
Kerry Weber
"The role of prayer and prudential judgment on behalf of all Catholics, but also especially, in a particular way, the shepherds of the church is so important."
Politics & SocietyFaith
Kathryn Jean Lopez
We expect too much from politics, more than it can or should provide. Only prayer can transform us.
James Martin, S.J.
William A. Barry, S.J. Bill was 90 years old when he died at the Jesuit infirmary at Campion Center in Weston, Mass., on Saturday.
America Media Events
Please join us on the Feast of St. Edmund Campion, S.J., - Tuesday, December 1 - at 11 am ET for a live, virtual Mass.
James Martin, S.J.
Is there anything in St. Ignatius' spiritual practices that can offer to help us make it through the aftermath of the election? Yes.
Politics & SocietyFaith
James Martin, S.J.
Pope Francis’ new encyclical, “Fratelli Tutti,” does something that some Catholics believed could not be done: It ratifies a change in church teaching.