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a cross in between two black and white stock image heads with a blue background, the heads face away from each other
Politics & SocietyFeatures
Sam Sawyer, S.J.
What is the way out of polarization? And why does that question—along with the now-commonplace observation that society suffers from deepening divisions about everything from gun control to abortion to public funding for religious schools—seem so exhausting?
a child reaches up to a cot mobile with computers and phones hanging from it
Politics & SocietyFeatures
Elizabeth Grace Matthew
Technology is undeniably part of our lives. But when should it be introduced to children, used in schools or integrated into their social lives?
looking down at a church with gothic style architecture with about 50 people inside during a mass
Valerie Pavilonis
St. Mary's Church in New Haven, Conn., has been combined with other local parishes due to declining numbers of priests in the archdiocese. Parishioners responded over the course of a year to how the transition went.
Christopher J. Kellerman
The history of the church was nothing close to a steady, if interrupted, march to eliminate slavery.
a thinker crouches in thought with white background
Rachel Lu
The philosophy of Boethius and other medieval thinkers is much more relevant to today's society than we might think.
many people gathering in washington dc, people holding signs protesting abortion, one reads "I am the post-roe generation"
Politics & SocietyFeatures
Kerry Weber
“The march has always been about an end to Roe, but it’s also about an end to abortion.”