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Matt Malone, S.J.
For the last decade we have tried to help counter the effects of ideological partisanship by breaking down the echo chambers it relies on; to host a different kind of discourse, a forum for a diversity of viewpoints.
Kaya Oakes
It is crucial that church leaders are trained to be good communicators, which also means being good listeners. This training is especially important for priests, whose communications skills (or lack thereof) often set the tone for a parish.
Serena Sigillito
If we can accept that God loves us as we are, that we are worthy of love at any size, is it wrong to also desire to be thinner and to take steps to reach that goal?
Politics & SocietyFeatures
Benjamin E. Heidgerken
Catholicism was the established religion of colonial Haiti, the site of one of the largest populations of enslaved peoples in the Americas.
Robert W. McElroy
Having begun the process of synodality, we should not let the process go dormant until after the pope’s apostolic exhortation on the universal synod is released in 2024.
Politics & SocietyFeatures
John W. Miller
In the United States, baseball is becoming a mostly white country-club sport for upper-class families to consume, like a snorkeling vacation or a round of golf.