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Arts & CultureFilm
Claire Giangravé - Religion News Service
“I’m completely immersed in something way bigger than myself,” actor Shia LaBeouf said in an Instagram post published by Capuchin Friar Hai Ho last week.
Arts & CultureFilm
John Anderson
If only the priest would turn his back on members of the congregation, the movie’s logic goes, and recite the liturgy in a language they don’t understand, the pews would be full and the seminaries overflowing.
Arts & CultureFilm
America Staff
A simple, well-told story can bear some of the most profound truths.
Photo: Film Forum
Arts & CultureFilm
John Anderson
‘Lourdes’ is a film of dignity, charity and profundity—one in which hope is made palpable.
Arts & CultureFilm
Patricia Lawler Kenet
“Rebel Hearts” is an immensely satisfying experience for the viewer, especially for anyone who has chafed against the church’s powerful male hierarchy, but still yearned for belonging in its fold.
Arts & CultureFilm
John Anderson
A new documentary on the L.G.B.T.Q. ministry of James Martin, S.J., provides an engaging look at his work—and an eye-opening perspective on his opponents.