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John P. McCarthy
John P. McCarthy reviews Andrew Rossi's 'Ivory Tower,' a documentary film on the uncertain future of American higher education.
"Band of Sisters" behind the scenes: Mary Fishman with JoAnn Persch, R.S.M., and Pat Murphy, R.S.M.
John Anderson
There is nothing quite like a nun with a voice.This month, 50 years after Soeur Sourire, the Belgian singing sister, topped the charts with her pop hit “Dominique” (and received the dubious distinction two years later of being portrayed on screen by Debbie Reynolds), Sister Cristina Scuc
NOVICE. Agata Trzebuchowska in “Ida."
John Anderson
The film "Ida" is "less concerned with recounting the Holocaust than in absorbing its echoes."
BEFORE THE DELUGE. Jennifer Connelly as naameh and Russell Crowe as Noah
John Anderson
The biblical ambition of Darren Aronofsky’s ‘Noah’
CITIZENS UNITED. Shailene Woodley, Ashley Judd, Tony Goldwyn and Ansel Elgort in "Divergent." (CNS photo/Summit)
John Anderson
"We’d like to applaud the filmmakers for raising reading levels, in an industry where dumbing-down is the business model." Film critic John Anderson reviews 'Divergent.'
Michael Pena stars in "Cesar Chavez." (CNS photo/Pantelion Films)
Jim McDermott
I once had a homiletics professor who said not to worry too much if it appears that members of the congregation are daydreaming during your homily. A homily, he pointed out, is not an act of persuasion. You’re not up there trying to prove some point. (Or if you are, God help the people.) A goo