The readings for this Sunday basically present a test case as I suppose one could argue every Scripture passage does of the idea of Inspiration discussed in my last post on What is the Good Word Yet this Sunday rsquo s second reading from 2 Timothy 3 14-4 2 especially v 16 does present the
nbsp nbsp Before he recites the parable in 18 1-8 Luke indicates to the reader its central teaching to pray always continually not continuously and not to grow tired or discouraged or lose heart nbsp Then the parable shows that even the most hard-hearted will eventually yield to a reque
In previous posts nbsp I have discussed What is the Good Word What is the Good Word 2 The Old Testament and What is the Good Word 3 The New Testament today I wanted to begin the discussion of revelation inspiration and inerrancy in the Bible Even those who claim the Bible as the ldquo i
The past weekend was particularly busy with things expected ndash soccer games and preparing for an upcoming lecture ndash and unexpected ndash spending six hours on Saturday trying to find the loose connection that would restore power to half of our house I wanted to write on the readings f
ldquo Go show yourselves to the priests rdquo is a request that the healed lepers go to the ones who in Jewish society authenticate cures from leprosy nbsp The priest at the Jerusalem Temple does not cure he declares for the knowledge of all citizens that a person is cured of leprosy nbsp
I wanted to take this opportunity to invite any interested readers who find themselves in the Twin Cities area on October 18th to attend my Archbishop Ireland Memorial Lecture The Child in the Family of God This lecture if free and open to the public and will be based upon research found in Let