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The Good Word
John W. Martens
In Cardinal Sean O rsquo Malley rsquo s Blog entry On Senator Kennedy rsquo s Funeral one line stood out for me our task is to build a civilization of love This has ever been the task of the Church especially when teaching hard truths that run counter to the tenor of the culture and the politi
The Good Word
John W. Martens
Years ago as a teenager I used to listen to the music of Larry Norman perhaps the first of the Jesus rockers Norman now deceased has been the source of much controversy in the Christian rock world including an unflattering portrait in a recent documentary film One thing that could not be sai
The Good Word
John J. Kilgallen
The basis of the conflict here between Jesus and his critics Pharisees and those who professionally know the Law is the set of laws known as the laws of cleanliness nbsp Many of these laws came into being because of concerns for health dirtiness could be a cause of harm for many in one s fami
The Good Word
John W. Martens
A few years ago a reading group to which I belong took on the task of reading The City of God by St Augustine Every Friday we would meet to discuss the twenty pages we had set for ourselves that week the next week we would move on to the next twenty pages By the time the academic year was windi
The Good Word
Barbara Green
If I were preaching on these readings my main objective would be to avoid re-enforcing the idea strongly if sometime subliminally held by Christians that Jews are almost unavoidably legalistic and hypocritical about their arcane law nbsp It can sound as if Jesus is saying that which I would al
The Good Word
John J. Kilgallen
nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp With this Gospel reading John closes his long discourse about the bread of life a discourse occasioned by Jesus feeding bread to thousands nbsp Here John repeats old themes doubts and inability to believe even betrayal nbsp Also here John repeats his claim that in