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The Good Word
Barbara Green
All the readings anticipate something present but not tangibly so--even something powerfully active though not sensed in the ordinary ways The Isaiah voice Mary in the canticle response Paul in the second reading and John the Baptist in the Gospel all address hearers their original partners and
The Good Word
John J. Kilgallen
Comfort give comfort and speak tenderly to My people says our God Go and cry out fearlessly at the top of your voice Here is your God Here comes with power the Lord God Who rules by His strong arm like a shepherd He feeds His flock in His arms He gathers the lambs carrying them in His bosom
The Good Word
John J. Kilgallen
The agony of Jesus is finished as is his exhortation to watch and pray Now Mark asks his reader to contemplate the second part of the garden incident Jesus arrest The ones doing the arresting are not soldiers of the Roman army they are the Jewish public custodians of order in the Temple a
The Good Word
Tim Reidy
In our third Advent video reflection Fr Jim Martin considers the virtues of of St Joseph
The Good Word
John J. Kilgallen
They will see Jesus the glory of the Lord the splendor of our God Strengthen the hands that are feeble make firm the knees that are weak say to those whose hearts are frightened Be strong fear not Here is your God He comes to save you sorrow and mourning will flee
The Good Word
John J. Kilgallen
Take off your robe of mourning and misery put on the splendor of glory from God forever For God is leading us in joy by the light of His glory Jesus with his mercy and justice for company Baruch 5