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The Good Word
Richard Leonard
When couples who are going to be married in the Church come to see me for the first time I get them to fill out a brief questionnaire The last two questions on the form ask What do you like best about your partner What do you like best about yourself The first question usually presents n
The Good Word
John J. Kilgallen
The Messiah as Jesus own Jewish history shows was anything but a person who should die in humiliation powerless defenseless and public criminal Mark set himself the task in composing his Gospel story to flinch neither from the powerful demonstration of glorious attributes of a king Messia
The Good Word
John J. Kilgallen
Mark s opening line focuses his reader s attention upon Jesus Mark speaks about good news which has all the richness of divine blessing since it is God s joyful message to human beings for their good In the tradition leading up to the New Testament such good meant above all f
The Good Word
John J. Kilgallen
In offering a systematic interpretation of Mark s Gospel I follow him chapter by chapter with what can be called a center-slightly left interpretation this is in accord with many many Catholic exegetes today By following what I write you will see practically what it means to be cente
The Good Word
Richard Leonard
At the morning parade in Dachau on 22nd July 1943 six prisoners were found to have escaped Retribution was swift and brutal Randomly selected 12 people were hanged As the other prisoners watched their 12 fellow inmates gasp for breath someone in the crowd cried out Where is God Silence de
The Good Word
John J. Kilgallen
In commenting on liturgical readings and feasts of the Church I have found myself wishing that I could say more or better say more systematically So what I have suggested and have been given permission to do is offer a systematic run through Mark s Gospel later other New Testam