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The Good Word
In commenting on liturgical readings and feasts of the Church I have found myself wishing that I could say more or better say more systematically So what I have been given permission to do is offer a systematical run through Mark s Gospel later other New Testament writings fol
The Good Word
Every Monday Wednesday and Friday I will discuss a portion of the Marcan Gospel to be followed eventually by Luke-Acts I will follow the Gospel chapter by chapter thus in a systematic way This means that I will not be commenting on liturgical texts or feasts of the Church Because others do
The Good Word
Richard Leonard
A furor broke out in a country diocese some years ago about the retreat style of priest who was taking Catholic students in their last year of high school or who were attending University away for weekend retreats On the Friday night of the retreat this priest would tell the young people that by th
The Good Word
John J. Kilgallen
Matthew tells a story about a non-Jewish woman who sought a cure from Jesus His initial response to her helps define what we know of Jesus purpose on earth namely the appeal to his own people to repent so as to pass the final judgment and enter into eternal happiness Only at the end of the G
The Good Word
Richard Leonard
One bright Sunday morning everyone in the town got up early and went to the local church Before Mass started the townspeople were sitting in their pews and talking about their lives their families Suddenly Satan appeared at the front of the church Everyone started screaming and running for
The Good Word
Richard Leonard
Daniel went to his mother demanding a new bicycle for Christmas Danny we can t afford it she said so write a letter to Jesus and pray for one instead Dear Jesus I ve been a good boy this year and would appreciate a new bicycle Your Friend Daniel Now Danny guessed that Jesus really