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The Good Word
John W. Martens
I found myself wondering how 2 Thessalonians 3 7-12 fit with Malachi 3 19-20a often 4 1-2a in English translations and Luke 21 5-19 Apart from thematic fit I wondered how appealing Paul s call for diligence in daily tasks could have been and I am assuming Pauline authorship of 2 Thessaloni
The Good Word
John J. Kilgallen
The Sadducees and Resurrection from the Dead Luke 20 27-39 This blog is written for the person who wants to enter more thoroughly into the meaning of this conflict story Sadducees against Jesus than a brief homily can provide 1 The first reading today from the Book of Maccabees shows that
The Good Word
Barbara Green
Roman Catholics can be spotted with eyes raised to heaven overheard to give thanks that we are not like certain others fundamentalists and such When I was once engaging in that self-congratulatory behavior I was helpfully challenged by John R Donahue S J familiar to readers of America who s
The Good Word
John W. Martens
If you d like to read my earlier posts on this subject simply click on my name above The most substantial arguments against Pauline authorship are concerned with issues of increased institutionalization in the Church and questions regarding supposed differences in theology from Paul s genuin
The Good Word
Thomas D. Stegman
This Sunday s gospel 30th OT continues Jesus teaching on prayer in the eighteenth chapter of Luke s gospel Jesus proposes another parable that invites us to reflect on the proper attitude and manner of prayer and on what is improper Jesus briefly describes two figures who enter the t
The Good Word
Dianne Bergant
Many people who are committed to social justice may still overlook what has come to be called ecojustice They do not realize that living in harmony with the natural world is fundamental to living in harmony with other people It is very clear that most of the wars fought are over land and or contro