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The Good Word
Chris Chatteris, S.J.
Morris West in his memoirs reminds us of the words he puts into the mouth of Giordano Bruno in his play The Heretic Ever since the Greeks we have been drunk with language We have made a cage of words And shoved our God inside as boys confine A cricket or a locust to make him sing A private s
The Good Word
John W. Martens
Before digging in you may want to read my first post on this subject The language of the Pastoral Epistles is the most difficult argument to handle apart from the Greek original and I would argue the most boring of arguments in any language so I will deal with this only in general terms Schola
The Good Word
Barbara Green
29th Sunday OT All scripture is inspired by God and is useful for refutation for correction and for training in righteousness advises the author of 2 Timothy setting a challenging agenda for all of us involved with God s word The first reading offers a mysterious and troubling scenar
The Good Word
Thomas D. Stegman
Luke s gospel is often called the gospel of prayer for three reasons First Luke frequently portrays Jesus at prayer second he records the prayer Jesus taught his disciples i e the Our Father and third he devotes more space than the other evangelists to Jesus teaching about prayer an
The Good Word
John W. Martens
The second reading for the upcoming Sunday is again from 2 Timothy Here are three verses from the reading Beloved Remember Jesus Christ raised from the dead a descendant of David such is my gospel for which I am suffering even to the point of chains like a criminal But the word of God is
The Good Word
Kyle A. Keefer
The story of the ten lepers Luke 17 11-19 appears often in instructional material for children I certainly remember learning from this story the lesson of gratitude The moral of this story was that no matter how ungratefully others might respond to acts of kindness I should always express thank