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The Good Word
Tim Reidy
This Sunday is the Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Father Daniel Harrington writes that the Old Testament wisdom books and the New Testament writings have some wise things to say about money and possessions While affirming that we live in the real world of commerce they teach us that we shou
The Good Word
Pauline Viviano
I raised the issue of doing typological interpretation in our time in my last post and let me reiterate that I have no problem with typology as a method of interpretation employed by the early Church Moreover I find typology meaningful in the liturgies at Christmas and Easter What I have a probl
The Good Word
Richard J. Clifford
Wisdom of Solomon also known as the Book of Wisdom offers a perspective on Luke 12 An extended essay in elegant Greek Wisdom of Solomon was written for Egyptian Jews around the first century B C Like some of the literature produced in this period it retells biblical traditions in an elaborate
The Good Word
Richard Leonard
18th Sunday We only have to look at so-called reality television to see just how far some of our compatriots will go to be famous to be wealthy or to be part of the popular imagination We should never be surprised when our media culture reflects this back to us And by watching these programs re
The Good Word
Seventeenth Sunday of the Year Gen 18 20-32 Col 2 12-14 Luke 11 1-13 Today s readings are about the power of prayer In the first reading Abraham pleads with God to spare the people of Sodom and Gomorrah In the gospel passage Jesus urges us to ask his Father for what we need and assures u
The Good Word
Richard Leonard
Did you know that Lincoln s Gettysburg address was 250 words long The man before Lincoln spoke for over an hour The man who followed Lincoln spoke for even longer Today no one remembers what they said Lincoln s 2 minutes by contrast changed the USA s history and the mentality of the