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The Good Word
Pauline Viviano
The National Catholic Bible Conference was held this summer in Chicago Among the talks it advertised was one entitled Old Testament Wars and the Spiritual Battle I did not go to the conference but I was intrigued by the description of this talk in the brochure I received How should we inter
The Good Word
Twenty-Second Sunday of the Year Sir 3 17-18 20 28-29 Heb 12 18-19 22-24 Luke 14 1 7-14 We all care about what other people think of us We want to be respected and to be taken seriously Our reputation is important to us And that s the way it should be On the other hand we would all agre
The Good Word
Richard Leonard
22nd Sunday One of the most basic human responses to anything new is to ask What s in it for me We would like to think our motives are pure and our interests are for others but there is often a nagging voice reminding us that selfish desires are never far from the surface That said we all
The Good Word
Tim Reidy
This Sunday is the 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time Fr Daniel Harrington writes about the notion of universalism which was often debated by the Jewish leaders of Jesus time As a theological doctrine universalism claims that all of us will be saved or restored to holiness and happiness The bib
The Good Word
Tim Reidy
Our open house is coming to an end on August 31 but we hope you ll stay with us For just 12 you can continue access all of the articles in America including the latest Word columns If you have registered with America s site visit your member home page New visitors can click here to take
The Good Word
James J. DiGiacomo
In today s gospel someone asks Jesus the question that we have all wondered about Will few or many be saved Jesus doesn t answer directly He says Try to squeeze through a narrow door He doesn t say how many will make it but he says clearly that some will not In the first reading f