On Saturday we celebrate the United States of America and the wonderful freedoms that inhere in being a citizen of this great country But what really is freedom It is a complicated matter a subject for much political and theological speculation Catholic theology advocates a freedom for more nb
As we continue to reflect upon some of the foundations of Jesuit and the broader landscape of Catholic education I want to share this illuminating thought from Fr Michael Himes of Boston College It 39 s another excellent thought for reflecting on the nature of the Catholic academic enterprise
From time to time I hear of people looking for a spiritual getaway a place to pray and re-center A place that is familiar to many in Jesuit circles especially on the west coast is nbsp El Retiro San I igo nbsp the Jesuit Retreat Center in Los Altos just outside San Jose CA It 39 s a beautif
The stillness that descends upon campus during the summer months always prompts reflection about the year just completed An examen commences What can we change What do we need to improve What were the high points and low points What are the issues both new and old that Ignatian educators must