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Stack of Books. Photo by Matt Emerson
The Ignatian Educator
Matt Emerson
The editors of the New York Times Book Review have released their list of the 10 best books of 2013 which includes 5 selections for both fiction and non-fiction I 39 m happy to see two of my favorite authors on the list Chimamanda Adichie and Donna Tartt At nytimes com the editors provide a sho
The Ignatian Educator
Matt Emerson
Over the last few weeks I 39 ve been speaking with a number of parents about the school where I work Xavier College Preparatory in Palm Desert CA and about the qualities that attract families Education is filled with competing theories and methods and approaches and it can be difficult to dec
Statue of John Henry Newman at the Church of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Courtesy of Wikimedia.
The Ignatian Educator
Matt Emerson
In the middle of my third year in law school when I was starting to stress over the bar exam and all the things that still had to get done before I could start my career I read words from Cardinal John Henry Newman that rattled the panes of my soul nbsp nbsp The words are from his sermon quot
Outside the Benedictine Abbey at Montserrat, in Montserrat, Spain, where St. Ignatius laid down his sword and armor. Photo by Matt Emerson.
The Ignatian Educator
Matt Emerson
At Thanksgiving we hear often about the Pilgrims We recall their arrival in the New World and their interaction with Native Americans Thinking of that group of pilgrims has led me this week to return to the idea of the pilgrim in the context of our Catholic faith and to consider the motif of the
Saint Thomas Aquinas by Adam Elsheimer (1578-1610). Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.
The Ignatian Educator
Matt Emerson
One of my favorite thinkers is the great Catholic French philosopher Etienne Gilson His work nbsp The Spirit of Medieval Philosophy so crucial to Thomas Merton 39 s turn to Catholicism has become a milepost for my own faith development So too his God and Philosophy which I first read as a seni
The Ignatian Educator
Matt Emerson
Teachers today are frequently told to avoid lecture for more project-based learning The catchphrase of the era is that teachers should move from being the quot sage on the stage quot to the quot guide on the side quot Teachers are urged to be quot learning designers quot or quot learning fa