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The Ignatian Educator
Matt Emerson
I recently wrote about the horrendous case of Rebecca Ann Sedwick a 12-year-old who jumped to her death from a cement plant after enduring repeated attacks of cyber-bullying In the wake of her death the Polk County sheriff 39 s office Florida filed charges against two of Rebecca 39 s peers on
FaithThe Ignatian Educator
Matt Emerson
Writing about Paul Elie yesterday has me recalling a passage from his outstanding book nbsp The Life You Save May be Your Own I first read it in law school when I was searching intensely for my own place for my own path for that combination of career location and life plan that like a railroad
The Ignatian Educator
Matt Emerson
Readers who enjoyed yesterday 39 s post about Dana Gioia and his nbsp article on Catholic writers might be interested in Paul Elie 39 s thoughts from last year on nbsp a subject in the same family nbsp In the Dec 19 2012 nbsp New York Times in an op-ed titled quot Has Fiction Lost its Faith
Official portrait of Dana Gioia, from the website of National Endowment for the Arts. Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.
The Ignatian Educator
Matt Emerson
The latest blog from Matt Emerson at 'The Ignatian Educator'
The Ignatian Educator
Matt Emerson
Ryan Williamson who runs the blog titled the quot Socratic Review quot what Williamson describes as quot the intersection of modern technology and classical education quot has written a thoughtful critique of my post from yesterday In that post quot Avoiding Education as Self-Checkout Line
The Ignatian Educator
Matt Emerson
The latest blog from Matt Emerson at "The Ignatian Educator"