A little over a week ago Pope Francis addressed educators in Ecuador observing that quot educational institutions quot play quot an essential role in the enrichment of civic and cultural life quot He also asked a number of questions that speak to teachers across the world and which are excell
A faithful reader has written me and recommended a good question for readers that connects well with the examen we 39 ve been pursuing in recent weeks The question he offers What book or two have you read as an adult that you wish you would have read as a high school or college student I would a
Meghan Cox Gurdon in the Wall Street Journal has written a marvelous essay extolling the pleasures and fruits of reading aloud especially within families Her words relate to the work of teachers as well because teachers sit in an analagous position to parents and storytellers All face the sam
nbsp Who was your most influential teacher and why What made this person stand out What teaching styles or techniques or strategies or approach made him or her so memorable I welcome your responses in the comment area below nbsp Don 39 t identify by name as people might want to remain ano
What is the meaning of quot school quot How do we understand its role as distinct from other centers of learning Continuing the summer examen I began last week I 39 ve been thinking a lot about a passage from one of the foundational documents of the Jesuit Secondary Education Association now t