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Jim McDermott
Australia’s Bishop Long Van Nguyen on how the church can heal during the sexual abuse crisis.
Swiss Guards salute as Cardinals Timothy M. Dolan of New York and Daniel N. DiNardo of Galveston-Houston leave a meeting of cardinals with Pope Francis in the synod hall at the Vatican Feb. 21, 2014. (CNS photo/Paul Haring) 
Jim McDermott
“The church has lost credibility in investigating itself.”
Sean Salai
William Watson, S.J., of the Sacred Story Institute in Seattle discusses the intersection of personal narrative and Ignatian spirituality.
Francis Canavan, S.J., and Stephen Fields, S.J.
Sean Salai
The late Father Canavan was a longtime professor of political science at Fordham University who specialized in Edmund Burke.
Sean Salai
A new book by Thomas Craughwell looks at Catholic priests who served in the armed forces.
Sean Salai
The label “divorced” does not define a person, says Lisa Duffy. It’s an event that happened, but it in no way is the sum total of who a person is.