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Our readers
Who Is Incoherent?Re “A.C.L.U. v. U.S.C.C.B.” (Current Comment, 1/20): The editors dismiss the A.C.L.U. lawsuit but ignore the facts alleged in the complaint. The plaintiff’s case was allegedly one of at least five cases in that hospital system, discovered by a public health educat
Our readers
A.D.A. Writ LargeRe “Dignity of the Disabled” (Editorial, 1/20): I offer my sincere thanks to America for addressing the needs and rights of people with disabilities, and exhorting U.S. legislators to rectify the wrong and bring the U.N. Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilit
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The Gun Control LobbyRe “Inexcusable Inaction” (Editorial, 12/9): I am deeply touched by the clarity and passion with which the editors have pursued the idiocy of our current gun law impasse. In sympathy with this cause, I have a plan to achieve victory.Right now legislators are reluctan
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A Head Start“Saving the Humanities,” by Raymond A. Schroth, S.J. (12/23), addresses a most important topic. Many of the reports cited expand the discussion to secondary education, and one report discusses the whole educational continuum. To even start to develop oneself into a fully educ
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Open the Doors“The Continuing Crisis,” by Jon Fuller, S.J., M.D. (12/2), addresses important issues and appropriately recognizes terrific work Catholics are doing to combat H.I.V./AIDS. That being said, as a young Catholic working in the H.I.V./AIDS community, I believe important questio
Our readers
To Heal the SufferingRe “Healing Communities” (Editorial, 12/2): Bravo. While we still have more questions than answers, the science behind the causes of mental illness has come a long way in the last 30 years. Understanding the chemistry of the brain and its disorders is many orders of