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First Amendment No Detail Even if the editors of America have no problem (“Policy, Not Liberty, 3/5) with paying for abortion-inducing drugs with funds donated or paid by the faithful, they should jealously guard the rights endowed by our creator and guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution. The Fi
Religious Liberty Chair Responds The March 5th America editorial (“Policy, Not Liberty”) takes the United States bishops to task for entering too deeply into the finer points of health care policy as they ponder what the slightly revised Obama administration mandate might mean for the Ca
Responses to Patricia Wittberg's 'A Lost Generation?'
Allies, Not Enemies Thank you for the reasonable, eloquent argument in “Taking Liberties” (Editorial, 2/13). Countless numbers of progressive Catholics worked long and hard for health care reform all across this country and believed that this delicate little issue would get resolved as p
A Terrible Irony Is Born In “The Ethical Traveler,” by Tim Padgett (1/30), there is a terrible irony. The author’s calls to abstain from condescension are themselves thoroughly condescending. His pedantic assertions fail to reach beyond the same tired narrative that everyone who ha
Getting Rich by Being Good As one who has participated in socially responsible investing for a number of years, I was initially very interested, but ultimately disappointed in Thomas Healey’s “Good Returns” (1/16). While anyone rightly hopes to earn a reasonable return on a financi