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Our Drugged Silence Bishop Robert W. McElroy’s “War Without End” (2/21) should be read and reread by all Americans concerned about the slippery slope of war without apparent consequences. But what is so striking about the war is the silence. President Obama has added first 17,000,
Hit the Road Ginny Daly’s “Cycles of Life” (1/31) on bike riding is great. I too can attest to the value of bike riding. Several years ago and several tens of pounds overweight and approaching diabetes caused by obesity, I got back on the bike. Now, many tens of pounds lighter and
A New Welcome Mat Paul Crowley’s “Tomorrow’s Theo-logians” (2/7) gives all Catholics hope. Though Father Crowley is a Jesuit teaching at a Jesuit institution, his message calls for a more effective Catholic education. As a child of the 1960s I am encouraged by the young, by r
He’s Not Here In “Welcome to the Cafeteria” (Current Comment, 12/20), you describe Luke Gormally as a professor at the Ave Maria Law School in Ann Arbor, Mich., and as one of those who criticized Pope Benedict’s statement on condoms. Mr. Gormally is no longer a member of the
It’s “For All” I fully endorse “For You and Who Else” (1/10), by Paul Philbert, O.P., on the translation of the words of eucharistic institution “for you and for all.” Our present translation expresses Christ’s universal salvific will in a clear, cogen
‘Illegal’ Means Illegal Gregory Byrne’s “Class Act” (Faith in Focus, 11/29) commits several fallacies that will prevent us from coming together in rational discussion on immigration. He appeals primarily to emotion instead of backing up his position with facts. He emplo