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Joyful We Adore Thee Re “God Is Ready,” by James Martin, S.J. (3/8): We often ask the people in our adult Christian initiation process, “Where did you experience God’s presence in your life this past week?” Over the years we have seen that this is particularly difficult
States Right$ Maryann Cusimano Love (“The Defense Dilemma,” 3/8) points out the incredible waste in defense programs. To her credit she allots blame not just to the military and their contractors but also to the legislators. Bureaucracies are inherently wasteful and inefficient. The Defe
Justifiable Anger Re “Bishops Respond to Attacks on John Carr” (Signs of the Times, 2/22): Maybe I should not write anything because I am too angry right now at the person or persons who would do this to John Carr. He has kept the faith. I just hope he hasn’t finished the course. H
Trillions for Defense Re “Weakened by Defense” (Editorial, 1/18): I don’t know whether I should smile or cry when I hear the word trillion used so glibly in the media today. How much is a trillion dollars? No human being has ever been able to count to a trillion for the simple re
Deacons as Co-Workers Monsignor Rubino (“Fraternal Orders,” 1/4) might consider adding a seventh suggestion as “advice for young clergy”: View permanent deacons as brothers, co-workers in the vineyard of the Lord. There exists in our church in the United States an unhealthy t
Something’s Happening! Re “Bishops Battle Over Spiritual Worth of Medjugorje Pilgrimages” (Signs of the Times, 1/18): I heard Pope John Paul II’s reflection on the subject. It is neither a papal secret nor a papal declaration, but at one of the luncheons with bishops that the