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Prime Minister Boris Johnson enters 10 Downing Street, after his reading a resignation statement in London, July 7 (AP Photo/Alberto Pezzali, file).
Politics & SocietyNews Analysis
Austen Ivereigh
“Sow integrity for yourselves,” urges Hosea. Right now in the U.K., that feels like the most urgent political task.
FaithNews Analysis
Colleen Dulle
Pope Francis’ planned trip to the tomb of Celestine V—the first pope in history to resign by choice—is fueling speculation the the pontiff might be preparing to retire soon.
Cardinals in scarlet vestments leave the Pro Eligendo Pontiface Mass prior to the Conclave, March 12, 2013, at the Vatican.
FaithNews Analysis
Thomas J. Reese
Before he dies or retires, Pope Francis needs to make changes in the process of electing a new pope to avoid the possibility of a deadlocked conclave.
Politics & SocietyNews Analysis
The Associated Press
While the arrest was widely denounced by governments and human rights groups, Catholic entities offered varying degrees of condemnation, reflecting the gravity and delicacy of a situation that has escalated dramatically.
Politics & SocietyNews Analysis
Bill McCormick, S.J.
Why did Church Militant use Marjorie Taylor Greene to attack the U.S. church?
FaithNews Analysis
Colleen Dulle
After months of saying publicly he would do everything possible to stop the war in Ukraine, including making a visit to the besieged country, Pope Francis said that a trip to Ukraine was now off the table.