President Joe Biden told reporters on Ash Wednesday that earlier in the day he met with a cardinal for prayer and ashes—and revealed what he has given up for Lent.
Mothers are already entitled to six months’ maternity leave at full pay, which they can extend by another six months at half-pay. Parents who adopt a child are entitled to a similar benefit.
Baltimore Archbishop William E. Lori offered solidarity with the Ukrainian community, greeting parishioners prior to morning worship and listening to harrowing stories of family members besieged in Ukraine.
Jacques Billeaud – Associated PressLuis Andres Henao - Associated Press
As the Rev. Andrés Arango poured holy water over the heads of a dozen people on Thursday evening, it represented the beginning of a new ministry for him: healing and helping those he invalidly baptized.
Prosecutors announced charges against former president Alfredo Cristiani and a dozen other people, including former military officers, in the massacre. The list of charges will apparently include murder, terrorism and conspiracy.