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Francis Njuguna - Catholic News Service
Bishop Lubamba noted that many government observers believe President Kabila is considering changes to the constitution that would allow him to run for a third term.
Catholic News Service
Two mandates from the New York State Department of Financial Services have been placed on insurers—without any legislative or regulatory enactment—that have the effect of forcing religious and other employers to pay for abortions in employee health plans.
From AP, CNS, RNS, Staff and other sources
The spokesman insisted "it is wrong to reduce all the important things the pope said to the religious women to just this question."
Judith Sudilovsky - Catholic News Service
"I don't want to exaggerate, but there is a feeling on the part of the Palestinians that the current Israeli government just wants a purely Jewish [Jerusalem]."
Jamey Keaten - Associated Press
"Ambient air pollution...is the greatest environmental risk to health—causing more than 3 million premature deaths worldwide ever year,"
Jenny Barchfield - Associated PressMauricio Savarese - Associated Press
Rousseff's enraged backers called the move a coup d'etat and threatened wide-scale protests and strikes.