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Rosie Scammell - Religion News Service
Prejean met with the pope on Jan. 21 to deliver a thank-you letter from Richard Glossip, whose execution in the U.S. was halted in September after intervention from the pontiff. But her celebratory meeting with the pontiff came just hours after another death row inmate, Richard Masterson, was put to death in Texas.
Catholic News Service
"In spite of the borders and boundaries that exist, we see ourselves as one great Catholic community, and we are immensely grateful and honored that our universal pastor, Pope Francis, has chosen to come to our area," Bishop Seitz said in a Jan. 18 statement. "We celebrate this great day for our brothers and sisters in Juarez."
Catholic News Service
"It's not about service, we should be out on the streets protesting," Rev. Cean James, founding pastor of Grace Christian Fellowship Church in Philadelphia, said. "Given the lack of change in society since the death of Dr. King, a true revolution of values is needed. It should be a day of protest against injustice. We have been silent for a long time."
Kevin Clarke
“I think people on both sides would say that it’s gone well,” he says. “By no means do [adjuncts] feel like they have reached a level of parity,” he adds, “but they understand that the university has taken a real step in the right direction and want to continue to work with the union.”
A Faculty Forward vigil at Loyola University Chicago in December (Photo: Faculty Forward Chicago)
Kevin Clarke
Faculty Forward reports “deep misgivings about the future of higher education” among respondents.
David Gibson - Religion News ServiceRosie Scammell - Religion News Service
Any move to broaden those whose feet are washed by the priest—taking the role of Jesus—could raise questions about ordination.