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Catholic News Service
In 1984, four guardsmen were found guilty of the killings and convicted to 30 years in prison, but those who planned the murders and gave the orders have never been brought to justice, said some of the more than 100 North Americans who traveled to El Salvador to commemorate the 35th anniversary of the murders.
An U.N. peacekeeper stands guard as children wait for Pope Francis' arrival for a meeting with the Muslim community at the Koudoukou mosque in Bangui, Central African Republic, Nov. 30. (CNS photo/Paul Haring)
Cindy Wooden - Catholic News Service
"The crowds, the joy, the ability to celebrate even with an empty stomach" were impressions the pope said he would take home with him after his six-day trip to Kenya, Uganda and the Central African Republic. After two years of civil war, the pope told reporters, the people of the Central African Republic want "peace, reconciliation and forgiveness."
Catholic News Service
"Yesterday, our community experienced an act of pure evil at the local Planned Parenthood clinic," Bishop Michael J. Sheridan of Colorado Springs said in a statement. "As Pope Francis recently reminded us, 'The path of violence and hate can never solve the problems of humanity.'"
Pairs of shoes are symbolically placed on the Place de la Republique in Paris Nov. 29, ahead of the U.N. climate change conference, known as the COP21 summit, in Paris. (CNS photo/Eric Gaillard, Reuters)
Catholic News Service
From Seoul, South Korea, to Ottawa, Ontario; New York to Sao Paulo, people marched to demand a response to climate change. Interfaith leaders gathered in Saint-Denis, France, Nov. 28 to hand over a petition with more than 1.8 million signatures—800,000 collected by Catholic organizations.
Pope Francis arrives for a meeting with the Muslim community at the Koudoukou mosque in Bangui, Central African Republic, Nov. 30. (CNS photo/Paul Haring)
Cindy Wooden - Catholic News Service
"Christians and Muslims are brothers and sisters," created by the same God, he said, and they must act like it.
Pope Francis arrives for a meeting with evangelical communities in Bangui, Central African Republic, Nov. 29. (CNS photo/Paul Haring)
Cindy Wooden - Catholic News Service
"Even when the powers of hell are unleashed, Christians must rise to the summons, their heads held high, and be ready to brave blows in this battle over which God will have the last word. And that word will be love and peace," the pope said in an evening homily Nov. 29 at Bangui's cathedral.