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Refugees from Myanmar and Bangladesh are seen in their boat before their rescue by fisherman in Julok, Indonesia, May 20. (CNS photo/Stringer, EPA)
Catholic News Service
Cardinal Charles Bo has asked the government of Myanmar to squelch hate speech and do more to help Rohingya refugees, many of whom have fled the country and are trapped at sea as countries refuse them entry.
A student tapes her mouth shut during a March 16 candlelight vigil for an elderly nun who was raped in Ranaghat, India. (CNS photo/Piyal Adhikary, EPA)
Arielle Dreher - Religion News Service
Each day, children on their way to Mount Carmel School pass through gates under the watch of armed security guards, and now city police officers who stop there on government orders after a nearby Catholic convent and school were broken into.The vandals stole money, tampered with security cameras and
Dennis Sadowski - Catholic News Service
A monthlong review of a key nuclear weapons treaty saw the nuclear powers stepping back from an opportunity to alter the status quo, much to the disappointment of Catholic peace advocates.
Catholic News Service
Nebraska state senators overrode Gov. Pete Ricketts' veto of a bill repealing capital punishment that had been supported by the state's Catholic bishops.In a 30-19 vote May 27, the senators supported a bill that replaces the death penalty with a sentence of life in prison without parole.The
Carol Glatz - Catholic News Service
Church leaders cannot be indifferent to the plight of immigrants, and it is "inexcusable" not to promote cooperation between a host nation and countries of origin, Pope Francis told bishops from the Dominican Republic."It is important to integrate immigrants into society and to welcom
Catholic News Service
Human rights in South Sudan are abused "on the battlefield and in peaceful areas," and much of the country is without effective governance, church leaders said."People are being killed, raped and tortured," the South Sudan Council of Churches said in a May 26 statement signed by