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Patricia Zapor - Catholic News Service
Although the Supreme Court just a few weeks ago declined to accept any of several challenges to rulings making same-sex marriage legal in various states, a 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals decision Nov. 6 could lead to another shot at the high court weighing in on a nationwide approach to such unio
The Archdiocese of Chicago has released documents on past clergy sex abuse cases, shown here on the archdiocesan website Nov. 6. Officials said 92 percent of the cases occurred before 1988. (CNS photo/Chaz Muth)
Catholic News Service
Documents answer when archdiocese learned of abuse and what church officials did about it.
Cathy Lynn Grossman - Religion News Service
Just days before the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops opens its annual fall meeting, German Cardinal Walter Kasper, often called the pope’s theologian, had a not-too-subtle message for the American church.Kasper told a standing-room-only crowd at Catholic University that Pope Francis wants
Dale Gavlak - Catholic News Service
The last thing Abu Sabah ever pictured in his life was being homeless and living in a tent in a park somewhere.But that is exactly what he and his family are experiencing in this Christian enclave outside of Irbil, the capital of the Kurdistan area of northern Iraq.Sabah, a Syriac Catholic from the
Catholic News Service
Church protests beating deaths of Christian couple accused of blasphemy.
Catholic perspectives on divorce and annulment from a 2008 CARA survey
Francis X. Rocca - Catholic News Service
'Some procedures are so long and so burdensome...people give up.'