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Catholic News Service
If individuals and nations are serious about protecting human rights and promoting peace, they must do much more to curb the global arms trade and assist immigrants, Pope Francis told seven new ambassadors to the Vatican.There are "stories that make us weep and feel ashamed: human beings -- our
A new recruit? Commander Makom says the anti-balaka are attracting more young people every day, but can this impromptu militia be controlled?
Kevin Clarke
If Maxime Makom has his way, all the remaining anti-balaka fighters in the Central African Republic capital of Bangui will gather in one long line before government officials and representatives from the international community and drop their weapons into a giant pile for all to see. Makom, who desc
Archbishop Silvano Tomasi (Photo courtesy of JRandomF, via Wikimedia Commons)
Josephine McKenna - Religion News Service
Archbishop Silvano Tomasi says church’s internal culture has changed.
Josephine McKenna - Religion News Service
The Roman Catholic Church failed to recognize the worldwide reach of clerical sexual abuse, Boston Cardinal Sean O’Malley said Saturday (May 3) at a press conference.“Many don’t see it as a problem of the universal church,” said O’Malley who heads the Vatican&
Catholic News Service
Canonizing two recent popes in the presence of his immediate predecessor, Pope Francis praised the new Sts. John XXIII and John Paul II as men of courage and mercy, who responded to challenges of their time by modernizing the Catholic Church in fidelity to its ancient traditions."They were prie
French soldiers patrol near St. Michael Catholic Church April 14 in the Central African Republic town of Boda. Thousands have died in ongoing violence between competing militias.
Kevin Clarke
The news emerging from the Central African Republic remains deeply troubling. As the predominately Christian “anti-balaka” militias continue to harass Muslim communities around the country, there are signs that Seleka rebels, who are mostly Muslim, are attempting to regroup in the north.