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Inside the Vatican
“Francis’ immediate goal is a stop to the killing,” explains Gerry, which motivates the pope’s advocacy for a ceasefire, entry of humanitarian aid into Gaza and the release of all hostages being held by Hamas.
On “Preach” this week, host Ricardo da Silva, S.J., engages the Rev. Bruce Botha, S.J., on the challenges of preaching in fearful, uncertain times of COVID and war, and especially at intimate moments of personal grief, like funerals.
Inside the Vatican
Catherine Clifford, an ecclesiologist and North American voting member in the Synod on Synodality, joins Colleen Dulle, the host of “Inside the Vatican,” in Rome to discuss the synod's implications for church structures and hierarchy.
Inside the VaticanJesuitical
On this special crossover podcast episode of "Jesuitical" and "Inside the Vatican," Zac Davis speaks with his colleagues Gerard O’Connell, Sam Sawyer, S.J., and synod member James Martin, S.J., about the concluding document of the recent synod on synodality in Rome.
Preachers face a delicate balancing act: while crafting homilies to draw young people to the pews, they must also engage the elders, who make up the majority of the congregation. They also deserve homilies that resonate with the particular joys and challenges of their lives.
Inside the Vatican
As the first session of the Synod on Synodality in Rome draws to a close, the members have released a Letter to the People of God. The letter is the first of two documents expected from the synod before it concludes its business in Rome on Oct. 29.