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In his conversation with host Ricardo da Silva, S.J., after the homily, Sam shares how ancient monastic wisdom has inspired him to lean into the more difficult lines in the Scriptures.
This week on Jesuitical, Ashley and Zac welcome Ricardo da Silva, S.J., their colleague and the host of the brand new podcast from America Media, “Preach: The Catholic Homilies Podcast.”
Dr. Sergio Alfieri, left. the chief surgeon who operated on Pope Francis, and Matteo Bruni, director of the Vatican press office, right, speak at a news conference at Rome's Gemelli hospital.
Inside the Vatican
This week on “Inside the Vatican,” veteran Vatican correspondent Gerard O’Connell tells host Colleen Dulle what he has heard from sources who have spoken to the pope in recent days.
A wide shot of the inside of the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen filled with parishioners.
Deacon Fritz Bauerschmidt explains to host Ricardo da Silva, S.J., why the rapper Post Malone provided the perfect hook for his homily in this week’s episode of “Preach.”
This week on “Jesuitical,” Zac and Ashley chat with Linda K. Wertheimer about her recent article about renewed efforts in some parts of the country to get prayer back into public schools.
Pope Francis in wheelchair greeting hospital staff at Gemelli hospital.
Inside the Vatican
On “Inside the Vatican” this week, hosts Gerard O’Connell and Colleen Dulle discuss the pope's recent hospitalization to undergo surgery for a hernia causing intestinal blockage.