Most Catholics these days don’t think there is a conflict between the theory of evolution and their faith. But it’s harder to wrap our heads around the idea that we’re still evolving—and that God might be, too.
To kick off October’s “Respect Life” month on “The Gloria Purvis Podcast,” Gloria speaks with Krisanne Vaillancourt Murphy about how a Catholic vision of restorative justice must guide our advocacy against the death penalty.
With reports from at least 112 of the 114 bishops’ conferences around the world, the Synod on Synodality has entered its next phase as 35 laypeople, priests and bishops meet to discern the outcome of the worldwide listening process.
Fr. Josh Johnson and Gloria Purvis talk about how our Christian discipleship must involve actively bridging racial divides, so that our lives on earth might more closely reflect God’s heavenly vision as described in holy Scripture.