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Arts & CulturePoetry
Louis Damani Jones
I assume I was seen in the way a postcard is seen
Arts & CulturePoetry
Jane Zwart
it is easier to trust God with worlds than with sons
Patrick Kavanaugh (photo: Wikimedia Commons)
Arts & CulturePoetry
Paul Corcoran
Kavanagh’s poem looks to Advent for a sort of poetic and spiritual rebirth, a chance to reacquaint ourselves with the “newness that was in every stale thing.”
Arts & CulturePoetry
Daniel Reardon
I heard song, whilst he suffered his trials
Arts & CulturePoetry
Joe Hoover, S.J.
he opened up the window for Dec 24 even though it was like Dec 3
Arts & CulturePoetry
Jeffrey Essmann
Jesus, deeply silent, watched the flames