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Arts & CulturePoetry
Gabrielle Campagnano
Sky grey as gunmetal,cross breeze cold front raw and cuttingfrom the west, afternoon light thinand abstinent. This has becomeour November, monthwhen I sit down to writesome catastrophe of a poemon the warm broth, sageand lemon stuffed autumn birdsmall fingerling, loose leaf dragonwelllong tongued wa
Arts & CulturePoetry
Dana Gioia
 Lord: it is time. Bright summer fades away.Let sundials darken as your shadows grow.Set loose your winds across the open fields. Let the last fruit still ripen on the vine,And give the grapes a few more southern daysTo warm them to perfection, and then pressTheir earthy sweetness into hea
Arts & CulturePoetry
Anna Elizabeth Schmidt
the murky water veiled those pleas the history books obscure as when numbers steal prisoners’ names.
Arts & CulturePoetry
James Najarian
Why did you welcome it into the house?
Arts & CulturePoetry
John McAndrew
On the first day, I didn’t know it was the first day.
Arts & CulturePoetry
Kathy Hartley
Home water, why?Cold sunlight, new heavenstrikes the shallows of white,wavering tissue, new earth.They are here,gaining the still pool,a million salmon bones.Soul flood. Head down.Study this hieroglyph, stunned. Metal-skinned swimmerscrash from the hurtling channelto this blinding delta,where m