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Margaret Young
One February morning, pausebetween kitchen and dining roomto weep at Belle and Sebastiansinging about God. The cold is goodfor maple syrup, makes sap run,you aren’t sure how, or why this pretty popsong makes you snivel and drip like a cuttwig. You’ve seen God on Bisson street,God in a bi
Dan MacIsaac
There stood by me this night the angel of God       Acts 27:23 I have no fear of storms since I heard His voice—my Accuser crying out of the sun.While I am chained in the shivering hold,the others cower and bleat to Baal.But no fury can last. Light finds a way—it
Joe Hoover, S.J.
After the murder of Julius Caesar in Shakespeare’s play, Brutus appeals to the charged, fearful crowd in a speech written in prose. He ends up getting his point across. People can see his side and why Caesar’s ambition was a threat to their freedom. But Mark Antony immediately follows hi
Amit Majmudar
What milk      what honey you were promised gall       in ZionKiss the weeping wall’s cheek       love       sows salt in Zion It’s the recurring dream       of all      &nb
Sandra Kathleen Orange
I hung my soul to dry on a fence post near the property line,Just out of sight. Days passed, rains came; it stiffenedSmall black spots grew bit by bitThen it was past rescue and fraying.But I was angry for what she cost me, and now the trouble of repairAnd then to wear such a tattered, raggy th
Peter Kozik
Ursula, shot dead, marched the ten thousandvirgins, just walked them! with the pope in towto say she could or to prove maybe thatthe purity of youth was worth the shockof Huns beheading them, each and everyone, as God’s synchronicity seems tobargain lives away in those old stories, leavin