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Signs Of the Times
What would happen in a Roe v. Wade reversal is far from certain, Balch added. "Theres a lot of scholarly writing in the event of what would happen," she said, like how to enforce a law outlawing abortion that is still on the books but that has been dormant for close to four decades. "Even if there a
Signs Of the Times
A Vatican spokesman dismissed reports that the Holy See has rejected several candidates because of their support for legal abortion.
Signs Of the Times
Pope Benedict XVI called for all nations to end the production, stockpiling and use of land mines and cluster bombs.
Signs Of the Times
Pope Benedict XVI has appointed Archbishop Vincent Nichols of Birmingham, England (left), as archbishop of Westminster.
Signs Of the Times
The Belgian parliament voted overwhelmingly to condemn "the unacceptable stance taken by the pope" on condoms and AIDS.
Signs Of the Times
The new regulations are considered one of the toughest sets of limitations on capital punishment in the nation.