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Signs Of the Times

Pope Benedict has urged the minority Christian community not to be deterred by the attack on Christian homes.

Signs Of the Times

A statement from the Secretariat of Public Security apologized for a police raid that interrupted a Mass in Michoaca.

Signs Of the Times

Special Olympics founder Eunice Kennedy Shriver, who died Aug. 11, was "a woman of ardent faith and generous public service" said the apostolic nuncio to the United States.

Signs Of the Times

Sister Carol Keehan decried reports that Catholic health care leaders are “working at cross-purposes” with the U.S. bishops on the abortion issue.

Signs Of the Times

The Mexican Catholic bishops’ conference has criticized federal police for bursting into a Mass in the state of Michoaca.

Signs Of the Times

A Zambian priest said the nation's information minister should resign for accusing the Catholic Church of complicity in the 1994 Rwandan genocide.