In a world where profit reigns over human dignity, solidarity has become a “dirty word” and risks being removed from the dictionary, Pope Francis said in a video message aired on Nov. 21 during the third Festival of the Social Doctrine of the Church in Verona, Italy. • Alec Reid, th
Archbishop Wilton D. Gregory of Atlanta and Bishop Gregory J. Hartmayer of Savannah called on lawmakers in Washington to listen to the needs of the hungry at home and abroad as they negotiate the 2013 farm bill. One of the most contentious issues is the bill’s nutrition provision, which includ
On Nov. 13, the U.S. State Department designated Nigeria’s Boko Haram network a terror organization, bowing to months of pressure to act against the radical Islamist group which has killed hundreds of people, especially among Nigeria’s Christian communities. • Working people struggl
Photos of happy families were posted inside the Fast 4 Families Community Tent at the National Mall in Washington. Beside the smiling faces, however, were Post-it notes that read “I pray that families stay together” and “God, please don’t take my mom away.” National rel