New York Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan will offer closing prayers at the Democratic National Convention Sept. 6, as he will at the Republican National Convention a week earlier
Chinese government officials have forced seven priests who resisted the illicit episcopal ordination of the Rev. Joseph Yue Fusheng of Harbin to leave their parishes.
Oswaldo Payá, a prominent Cuban dissident, died in a car crash on July 22 in an incident that his family claims was “not an accident.”
The fall of the Bashar al-Assad regime in Syria is weeks away, but could be accelerated with more support from the Obama administration.
Congress should extend “tax credits that help low-income families live in dignity,” said Bishop Stephen E. Blaire of Stockton, Calif.
Catholic Relief Services said that its decision to allocate funding to the humanitarian organization CARE under a U.S. grant did not violate Catholic teaching.