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Father Liu Yong Wang distributes Communion during Mass in a makeshift Catholic chapel in a village outside Tianjin, China, July 17, 2012.
Signs Of the Times
Steven Schwankert
Authorities plan to promulgate an official version of Chinese Christian theology.
AIR BORNE. A U.S. fighter jet refueling over northern Iraq on Aug. 21.
Signs Of the Times
Kevin Clarke
Listening to President Obama’s speech on Sept. 10, outlining his administration’s purportedly new strategy for defeating Islamic State militants in Iraq and Syria, David Cortright found himself wondering what, if anything the United States has learned from its long and costly involvement
U.S. bishops listen as Israeli attorney gives explanation of land use around Jerusalem.
Signs Of the Times
From AP, CNS, RNS, Staff and other sources
U.S. bishops visiting the Holy Land on Sept. 11 said an on-the-ground tour about the situation in East Jerusalem heightened their awareness of the settlement issue in the divided city. “The expansion of settlements is quickly driving [the possibility of a two-state solution] off the drawing bo
Hanging with Pope Francis
Signs Of the Times
From AP, CNS, RNS, Staff and other sources
In a technological and cultural first, Pope Francis joined a Google Hangout, video chatting with young people across five continents, including a student in the gang-infested neighborhood of La Campanera, in San Salvador, on Sept. 4. • The cause for canonization of Archbishop Fulton Sheen has b
Pope Francis Prepares for International Trip in Europe. (CNS photo/Alessandra Tarantino, EPA)
Signs Of the Times
From AP, CNS, RNS, Staff and other sources
Pope Francis’ choice of Albania as the destination of his first international trip in Europe reflects his trademark pastoral approach: head to the peripheries; bring healing to the suffering. But his Sept. 21 visit to the poor, Muslim-majority nation also will highlight, to a world increasingl
FAST FOOD, LOW WAGES. A worker joins a nation-wide campaign outside a Midtown Manhattan McDonald’s
Signs Of the Times
Kevin Clarke
‘I’m doing this for my future, for my sons to have a union,” Jamne Izquierdo said, holding up a sign demanding a better wage outside a McDonald’s restaurant on 8th Avenue and 56th Street in New York on Sept. 4. Izquierdo has worked at a different Manhattan McDonald’s fa