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Signs Of the Times
From AP, CNS, RNS, Staff and other sources
Terrorists want to make peace-loving Christians and Muslims believe that it is impossible for them to live side by side; it is up to Christians and Muslims to prove them wrong, said Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran of France. The cardinal, president of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue, w
Signs Of the Times
From AP, CNS, RNS, Staff and other sources
“It’s not true, it’s not right, it’s not just to say that Islam is terrorist,” Pope Francis said on the plane from Krakow to Rome on July 31. • On July 25, the leader of Egypt’s Coptic Christian Church warned of increased attacks on Christians—37 sectar
Signs Of the Times
From AP, CNS, RNS, Staff and other sources
In a new document, Jesuits involved in the Middle East call on the international community to take on a “sense of responsibility” for conflicts in the region and to abandon “the Machiavellian behaviors, passive attitudes and ideological battles” that for too long have stood i
Signs Of the Times
Gerard O’Connell
Pope Francis bade farewell on July 31 to an estimated 1.6 million young people from 187 countries in Krakow, Poland, for World Youth Day. In his homily at the festival Mass, he challenged them “to have the courage to be more powerful than evil by loving everyone, even our enemies.”Franci
Signs Of the Times
From AP, CNS, RNS, Staff and other sources
Muslims and Catholics joined in Friday prayers at the mosque in the Normandy town where an elderly priest was slain on July 26. The killing of 85-year-old Rev. Jacques Hamel as he celebrated morning Mass sent shockwaves around France and deeply touched many among the nation’s five million Musl
Signs Of the Times
Anthony Egan, S.J.
Grahamstown, the small university city that hosts South Africa’s annual National Festival of the Arts each year, is historically a frontier town—the meeting place in the 19th century between the British Empire and the Xhosa nation, before the latter was annexed, creating the present-day