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Signs Of the Times
From AP, CNS, RNS, Staff and other sources
Millions of workers are being denied honor and respect because of lack of jobs.
Signs Of the Times
From AP, CNS, RNS, Staff and other sources
Secretary of State John Kerry and the U.S. State Department significantly raised the bar for both the ambitions and the expectations for upcoming negotiations between West Bank Palestinians and the State of Israel. One wild card in the new discussions, which have set the laudable but so far elusive
Signs Of the Times
From AP, CNS, RNS, Staff and other sources
As part of the Vatican’s ongoing efforts to ensure that all its financial activity complies with international standards, particularly those aimed at preventing money laundering and possible financing of terrorism, Pope Francis has expanded the role and the reach of the Vatican’s Financi
Signs Of the Times
From AP, CNS, RNS, Staff and other sources
Italy’s foreign minister, Emma Bonino, told reporters on Aug. 6 that “it seems” the Italian Jesuit priest Paolo Dall’Oglio, missing more than a week in Syria, “has been kidnapped by...a local version of Al Qaeda.” • The attorney Frances X. Hogan, Jane Marie K
Signs Of the Times
From AP, CNS, RNS, Staff and other sources
David Gonzalez, an editor at The New York Times and a member of the board of directors of America, has been named to the Hall of Fame of the National Association of Hispanic Journalists. • A crackdown on militants in Sinai by Egyptian military is hurting Gaza’s already fragile economy bec
Signs Of the Times
From AP, CNS, RNS, Staff and other sources
An Austrian priest is urging the church to adopt a series of reforms, including greater lay involvement.